Rupay Debit Card सबसे बेहतरीन कैसे?

शुरु मे Rupay Debit कार्ड उतना अच्छा नही लग रहा था क्यों की उस समए बहुत कम साईट ईसको स्वीकारते थे पर एक वर्ष बाद ईसपर फिर से ध्यान गया और मैने कूछ बातो को देख कर अपने बैंक के अधीकारी से सम्पर्क किया और फिर Rupay डेबिट कार्ड हफ्ते भर मे मील गया।


क्यों रूपे डेबिट कार्ड का ही ईस्तेमाल करें?

  • एक तो ईस्का मेंटेनेंस फिस कई बैंको मे मूफ्त है और कई मे अन्य कार्ड जैसे Visa/Master  के मूकाबले बहुत कम है।
  • आपका पर्सनल और फाईनेंशीयल डाटा यानी आपने क्या खरीदा, कहां से खरीदा, कितने का खरीदा यह सब बाहर देसो मे नही जाता लेकीन Visa/Master वाले आपके डेटा अपने देश मे रखते हैं और जाहीर है उस डेटा को चुपके से बेचते भी होंगे यही कारण है की कई बार हमे न्युज मिल्ता है की हैकर ने ईतने डाटा चोरी किये पर सच तो यह होता है की आपका डेटा बेचा गया होता है और कह दिया जाता है की हैक हो गया।
  • Visa/Master के मूकाबले जल्दी ट्रान्जेकशन होता है, ट्रेन बूक करते समए Rupay वाला ट्रान्जेकशन कम फेल होगा Visa/Master के मूकाबले।
  • फाल्तू मे हर ट्रान्जेकशन पर अमेरीका हो फिस देने की क्या जरूरत है। Rupay कार्ड लेने पर जो पैसा Government को जाएगा उस्से यह संभव होगा की भवीश्य मे टैक्श कम होगा।
  • Rupay ईस्तेमाल करते समए अच्छा लगता है 🙂

आप ईससे ईंटरनेशनल ट्रान्जेकशन भी कर सकते हैं, बस Rupay ईंटरनेशनल कार्ड लें और खरीदते समए Rupay के ईंटरनेशनल पार्टनर को चूज करें जैसे “Discover” कार्ड। (जैसे Visa/Master चूज करते हैं उसके जगह Discover दिखे तो उसको चूज करें)

अपने वेबसाईट से कैसे कमाए?

वैसे तो हिन्दी भाषा या कोई भी ईंडीक भाषा मे ब्लाग द्वारा कमाना मुश्किल होता है पर आप ईन तरीकों से गुगल एडसेंस आदी के फ्राड प्रोग्राम से बच सकते हैं जो $100 होते ही एकाउंट बंद कर देता है कोई ना कोई बहाने से।

सबसे पहले तो अपने ब्लाग को ठिक करे और उसपर ट्रैफिक लाएं क्यों की बिना ट्रैफिक वाले ब्लाग से कमाई करना भूल जाएं। कूछ लेख लिखें ताकी आपके ब्लाग पर लोग आने लगे और फिर धीरे धीरे कोशिस करें की हर लेख के उप्पर एक ब्लाग के ही भाषा मे विडीयो हो। कूछ विजीटर विडीयो से आ जाएंगे, कूछ डायरेक्ट और कूछ सर्च कर के।

अब आप अपने ब्लाग के लिये एक “Sponsor Article” और “Guest Post” डाल दें और फिर उसका प्रचार कुछ फारम आदी पर करें। ईससे कई लोग आपके ब्लाग मे आएंगे और अपना आर्टीकल आपके ब्लाग पर पबिलश करने के लिये आपसे कहेंगे। आप उसके लिए पैसा ले कर उनका आर्टीकल अच्छा हो और आपके ब्लाग के टापिक से जूडा हो तो ही डालें।

ईसी तरह आप प्रोडक्ट के रिव्य़ू आर्टीकल लिख सकते हैं और उसके Affiliate से कमा सकते जो

अभी कैसे कमाएं?
अगर आपके ब्लाग का DA/PA 15 से ज्यादा हो तो और ब्लाग वेब, टेकनालोजी और डामेन मुफ्त वाला नही है तो मूझे कान्टेक्ट करें, कूछ आर्टीकल हैं तो मै आपको गेस्टपोस्T/Sponsor आर्टीकल भेजेंगा

फिर वही पूराने दिनो वाला ब्लाग

आज मन मे आया की कूछ पुराने ब्लाग पोस्ट पढता हूं और फिर उस समय की लिखावट देख कर हसी आने लगी। एक दो ब्लाग पोस्ट के टाईटल और कूछ लाईने पढ कर लगा की यह क्या लीखता था।

जैसे यह पोस्ट और कई अन्य 2009, 2010 के पोस्ट।

जब हम खाली रहते हैं और कोई व्यावसायिक चीज के लिये काम नही करते तो कितनी अच्छाई भरी होते है पर जब आप किसी बिजनेस मे चले जाते हैं तो आपकी लिखावट मे बहोत बदलाव आ जाता है। जोक, आदी मे भी आप अपने व्यावसाय का जीक्र नही छोड पाते हैं।

और ईसी बात का अनूभव हूवा जब मैने अपने ब्लाग के पूराने पोस्ट देखे और कुछ नए पोस्ट देखे तो पाया की नए वाले मे ज्यादातर व्यावसाय से प्रभावीत लेख हैं और पुराने वाले खूले मन से लिखा हूवा लेख।

फिर चिट्ठाजगत के कुछ पेज भी देख कर कई ब्लाग मिले जीनको अक्सर पढता था।

चिट्ठाजगत का तकनीकी ब्लाग लिस्ट।

ज्यादातर उस समए के ब्लाग अभी भी उसी तरह हैं और डिलीट नही हूवे हैं 😉

How to Start a Blog in India & Make Money from it?

Today many online techniques are available that can make it very easy to make money and one who is passionate about writing can make blogging as a way of earning. Today there is a number of bloggers who are even able to earn in lakhs through blogging itself. One who is willing to promote products and services through blogs can fulfill their passion for writing and at the same time can make money. So, people who are looking for options that can help them to make money through blogging must consider below-mentioned techniques and work accordingly.



Factors to be considered for starting the blog

  • Content is one of the most important factors to become a successful blogger. Content must be according to the topic and it must be user-friendly so that customer finds it interesting and it can even boost to write more interesting and to the point. Fresh and new content is also very important for all bloggers so that customer’s stay connected and every time they find something new and interesting.
  •  Traffic is required if you wish to become a successful blogger and wish to earn money through it. Some of the easiest ways that can help to get traffic are SEO, social media, link building and many more.
  • One who is able to build relationships with the targeted audience can make it easy to become successful. Readers must have trust in your content and it will lead to building healthy relationships.



Techniques to make money through blogging

Affiliate Marketing

Bloggers who are writing blogs regarding the launching of products or services can earn good amount of income. But to get good earning it is equally important to select the best product for promotion so that customers can trust on content. Bloggers must analyze before starting writing so that it becomes easy to understand the requirement of customers. Ads and links are being used along with a blog and so when any purchase is done through link commission is been allotted to blogger also. It is website who will give approval to affiliate link to blog and also commission is decided by the website itself.


Advertising Networks

Bloggers who are willing to earn money through writing can opt for advertising network. It gives freedom to put ads on blogs and further while clicking can help to earn good amount of income.


Selling your own product through Blog

People who are willing to sell some products or services and at the same time a blogger it is easy to make money. One is free to design products according to demand and promoting your own product at your own written blog can help to earn good amount of income. It is the most convenient and easiest way to make money.


Place ads on blogs

One of the easiest ways for any blogger to monetize money through it is placing ads directly on blogs. It is nearly similar to Ad Networks where a blogger has control over ads. They are free to choose where ads are required to be displayed or not everything is dependent on blogger itself. Most importantly is blogging being the way of income one is not just free to decide ad that is to be displayed but at same time pricing of ads is also maintained by blogger.

These are some of the common ways by which blogging can help to earn money and one can even consider it as a source of income. One thing which must be in mind of every blogger is to enjoy writing and try to bring hidden creativity. Techniques and factors when considered can make even bluffer earn good amount of income.

Blogs which are able to get customers can really try different technique which can make easy to get money from it. Bloggers who are trying to promote any product or services must make sure that customers get the right information and are not misguided. Bloggers who are able to build their own community can get different sources which can help to make money. The professional network will help to gain access to blogs in different workshop and seminars where customers are also increased.
A blogging platform is also very important when willing to make it as a source of income. There are many people who are just blogging to share their knowledge and ideas and not a source of income. But one willing to get income through it must be very particular while selecting a platform to publish it.


If promoting products or services opt for the best websites who are ready to post your blogs. This will help to increase audience and at the same time using above given techniques income is also earned through it. So, now start writing blogs to monetize money and mane it as the best source of income.

The top 5 tips for finding the best Windows VPS Company

Finding a good, reliable and cheap Windows VPS company is a difficult process. Every web hosting company claims they are the best but I am sharing with you my 5 best tips you may find helpful.

1. 99.9% Uptime Server
It does not matter if you chose a big company when the uptime guarantee is low or the server is frequently down. Look for an SLA guarantee instead.


2. Minimum 4 CPU Cores
Running software with high demand on your hardware on a single core creates lagging issues, slows down your Windows VPS and creates frustration. If you are using it for a gamming server, lag issues will kill any enjoyment of gaming.


3. TOS/Policy
Read Terms of Services, SLA uptime, and the agreement very carefully. Some companies do not allow specific software and your story with them will end up with the termination of your account and a possible data loss for you.


4. Flexible rules
We recommended using the services of a small company. Many large companies will not compromise with you in terms of an overdue invoice, violating minor TOS.

First time hosting your website? – a guide for complete beginners

Setting up your website for the first time is tough and no one wants to look stupid. It is like the first time you prepare for a birthday party and you know nothing about how things will work out for you, not even what gifts you will receive. However, as you grow older, you become a master, and the same thing applies to setting up your hosting and developing a new website.


I hope that you already know how to find a good hosting company.

Here are some tips for you.

1. Setting up WordPress on your hosting.
WordPress is a free and open source software, which allows you to install plugins and your choice of ready-to-use themes. Installing WordPress is easy and your hosting company can do this for you.


2. Hosting Joomla
Joomla is a CMS similar to WordPress. This one is a bit tougher to learn and yet the installation is easy and the CMS itself can be used for news websites, blogging, personal sites, etc.


3. PHP/mySQL Site
If you already have the files of your site, just upload them via a control panel like cPanel or use FTP. For beginners, HTML-based pages could be the perfect solution.


Static HTML pages can be hosted on a web server but you should possess the skill to develop/design an html-based website. Most developers start by learning HTML and CSS first.


Make an effort to build your website yourself and practice your skills every day. Learning something new each day is a great investment.

How to use Windows VPS for Marketing/SEO?

Nowadays, whether to use Windows VPS or not is an important decision not only for many businesses owners but also for ordinary men. Windows is cost effective and Windows Server is a secure and useful tool for both commercial purposes and home users. If you cannot afford the price of a different service, the cheap Windows VPS is a good alternative for you.

Some useful tools for marketing/SEO:
GSA – Search Engine Ranker is ranked as one of the most popular SEO software for indexing websites and link building. If you use it for a good purpose and write unique content, it can go a long way in helping you rank well in search engines. It may look costly if you are using it for a personal non-profit blog, but it is affordable if you are running a hosting company.


Senuke – Runs smoothly on Windows VPS Server and is useful for article creation and indexing your web pages. They have a step by step wizard feature, which is good for unexperienced users. The tool is also helpful for submitting sites to WordPress and Wikipedia but you should use it with caution.


Scrapebox – It is full of features like page quality checker, pr checking and lots of other features. The tool is quite affordable for anyone who doesn’t want to spend huge amounts of money on SEO. If you are moving a VPS, you can also ask for a license transfer. They are very fast in responding and doing their work. Your license will be transferred in several minutes or a few hours.


Xrumer – A good tool for automation like automatic confirmation of account creation. The price is usually low but it can also be used for improving the SEO of your site.


Article Submitter – Just search on Google, and you will find a lot of software that submits your articles automatically. For better results, you should write unique articles instead of using garbage and duplicating content.


Buying a Windows VPS for SEO is easy but be careful of over-committing resources to the sellers. They will promise you a 100+GB space at the lowest possible price, but what you will get instead is only a few GBs. Do you believe that someone will sell you a 100GB disk for only a few dollars? It will be impossible without over-selling. If you are looking for a cheap Windows VPS, click here to buy it. If you have suggestions, submit them to our blog or contact me and suggest a way in which I can improve our services.

Windows VPS on Hard Disk vs SSD Performance

In traditional hard disk, there is a spindle that hold one or more mirror rotating platters. The solid state drive (SSD) is made from semiconductors. Web hosting servers that are equipped with SSD hard disk offers faster performance. It takes approximately 35 to 100 μs for the SSD to retrieve the data while traditional hard disk takes about 5,000 to 10,000 μs to retrieve the data. As you can see, the SSD is faster than the traditional hard disk by almost 100 times.


Web hosting server that use SSD hard disk has a lower failure rate because the SSD drive do not contain any moving part. SSD has a shock resistant of up to 1,500g/0.5ms. Servers that use HDD hard disk can fail after a long time of usage because it contains moving part. The magnetic platters in the HDD drive makes it vulnerable to data corruption when it is near to powerful magnets. On average, the SSD hard drive will take 22 seconds to boot. The traditional HDD is slower and takes about 40 seconds to boot.


The average file write/copy speed for the SSD hard drive is 200 MB/s to 500 MB/s. The HDD hard drive has a much slower file write/copy speed which is in between 50 MB to 120 MB/s. De-fragmentation is required for classic HDD from time to time to ensure it operates at optimal performance. There is no requirement to carry out a defragmentation on the SSD drive.


The SSD hard disk is based on a RAID-10 system that offers maximum redundancy. The advantage of choosing SSD VPS hosting plan is that it offers very high performance and transfer speed. The transfer speed in a SSD VPS hosting is about 5 times faster compared to traditional HDD VPS hosting plan.


The downside of SSD Windows VPS plans is the expensive cost. Los end SSD hard drive costs about $100. High end SSD hosting can cost thousands of dollars. Another downside is that it offers limited hard disk space. The average disk space for a SSD hard drive range from between 250 GB – 1TB. SDD offers smaller disk spaces compared to HDD. You can expect to get about 30 GB of hard disk space for every 1 GB of server memory.


The traditional hard disk has a capacity of offering more hard disk space. HDD hard disk can offer a disk space of between 500 GB – 1TB. The advantage of HDD is that it is cheap. The average cost of a standard HDD is about $50. The downside of HDD is that it has slower performance. Hosting plans that use HDD is suitable for websites that don’t need a high performance website. SSD hosting plan is for webmasters with websites that receive a high volume of traffic.


In conclusion, both SSD and HDD hard disk have their own advantages and disadvantages. The type of Windows VPS hosting you choose will depend on your purpose for buying the hosting plan. If you want to save money, you can choose the HDD VPS hosting plan. If you get a lot of customers from your online store, the SSD Windows VPS hosting plan will suit you because it will ensure your site is accessible by your visitors at all time.

VPS Hosting Company – Way to Find Hosting Which Works for You

Many webmasters turn to VPS hosting when their websites are experiencing growth in traffic. Shared hosting offers an unstable environment for websites that are rapidly growing. There are many things to consider in order to find a hosting that works for you.


Price is one of the factors you should consider when choosing a VPS hosting company. The price vary across different types of VPS hosting. Unmanaged hosting is the cheapest because you won’t get any help from the provider to maintain the server. Managed hosting has an expensive price tag because of the 24 hour monitoring from the provider’s IT team.


Managed hosting offers convenience for webmasters who do not have the expertise to carry out the maintenance tasks on the server. The type of services included in the managed hosting packages vary across different providers. Some of the services included in managed VPS hosting are automated backups, performance monitoring, software updates, malware scanning, installation of control panel, SSH access and 24/7 customer support services.


If you are choosing a managed VPS server, make sure the provide offer 24/7 monitoring service to avoid possible attacks. For example, DDOS attack on the VPS server can cause the entire server to slow down. Proper monitoring will prevent such attacks from taking place.


Unmanaged VPS hosting gives you free access to the entire server. Unmanaged VPS hosting is the best solution for webmasters who are equipped with an IT team. Some providers will provide a little bit of help for webmasters who choose unmanaged hosting. If your IT team face problem in maintaining the server, you will have to pay additional fee to have the provider’s IT team resolve it.


It is important that the VPS web hosting companies offer 24/7 customer support. You should avoid provider that do not offer telephone number to contact their customer support. You should find out how you can contact their customer support. Many providers offer toll free telephone so that you won’t get charged with a phone bill when you call their customer support team.


The VPS provider should be equipped with backup hardware so that the server will continue to load properly even after power outages. You should take into account factors such as RAM, bandwidth, CPU power and operating system when choosing a VPS hosting plan. You should avoid VPS hosting packages that offer less than 512 MB RAM. With more RAM, your computer will be able to load at a faster speed. If you plan to host more than one website, you must find a plan that offers unlimited add on. Besides, you should consider the features It include in the VPS hosting plan such as PHP, MySQL database and e-commerce.


When choosing a VPS hosting, make sure you check for the money back guarantee. You should read the refund policy to find out how you can get a refund in case you are not satisfied with the services of the VPS hosting provider.


Lastly, you must not forget to perform a search on Google for customers’ reviews. You should reference a number of sources for the VPS hosting company reviews. You can do research on customer reviews for 2 – 4 VPS hosting companies. If the provider has a lot of complaints, you should avoid signing up with him and find another provider.

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